About / Acerca de

Youssef Khater

A Danish citizen, of Lebanese origin, Youssef Khater is plausible character by virtue of a background which includes serving in the danish military, a youth team football trainer, and athlete. He is a scammer who takes advantage of his athletic skills, knowledge and charisma, to deceive and defraud; the victims are usually women and other athletes in various countries in Latin America and Denmark.

In an early case, he defrauded a team of European athletes, stealing money and sports gear, then absconded to Brazil and Chile where he posed as a professional sponsored ultra runner. Later, he was jailed in Chile for attempted murder and fraud, after trying to kill an american citizen having defrauded her and several other foreigners for sums of money. This included an english athlete for nearly 30 million chilean pesos (60,000 US dollars).

Following his jail term in Chile, he was sent back to Denmark where he was given further jail time in respect of past crimes for which he was wanted. These included various frauds, and arson in order to make a fraudulent insurance claim.

In Denmark he got some time in jail because some crimes, including fraud, and arson in order to collecting insurance fraudulently.

Today he is fugitive in Costa Rica (August 2014), for defrauding a canadian woman.

He is highly charismatic, and his modus operandi involves networking with athletes or other persons, to establish friendships and confidences. He represents himself as successful and wealthy, and often invites guests to expensive restaurants, paying everything.

After gaining the confidence and trust of his intended victim, he invents various false situations to deceive them. For example, offering to rent or sell properties that he pretends to own but does not, or pretending to be a business partner for investing in tracts of land or buildings which the victim might be interested in, and then offering to organise the paperwork through ‘contacts’ he knows. He supports this using a false network of characters made online (lawyers, trainers, sponsors etc), and operates these ‘characters’ from his own keyboard using different false identities by e-mail, Facebook or other social media to realise the scams. The victim is lead to empathise and believe that the trickster and his contacts are genuine and trustworthy.

Youssef Khater achieves real credibility by various tricks. For instances, networking with genuine, well placed successful people. The victim will see that he is well associated, and that he also has an apparently successful early career background, so they can very easily enter a situation of trust and credibility, before they realise what has started to happen.

Other scams include going to ATMs with his victims, memorizing the credit card passwords or pins, then stealing their cards to use for large purchases or money transfers. Also, setting up Facebook or web pages to ask for sponsorship for races, with his own personal bank details.

In desperate circumstances, he is known to lie about his own illness, or illness of others to try to raise money. He often plays the victim, to gain sympathy and financial support. For example, he claims he has been robbed to gain sympathy and to make it seem implausible, or to disguise the fact that he is planning to perpetrate a theft.

If you see him, report it to law authorities, take care because maybe he have a weapon. He is a serial liar, known to use violence particularly when caught out or threatened with exposure. He intimidates many victims to silence, or may attempt to kill them.

Here you will find newspaper articles on this dangerous criminal to help prevent other people being hustled by him. Unfortunately, time in jail did little to stop these criminal actions.

He commit scams and cheats through these emails:


and also with those facebook accounts:


Update March 2022: After the Netflix serie “Worst Roommate Ever”, we collected some new information about Youssef Khater and his new life in Denmark under the name ‘August Eriksen‘:

Also, he is using another Facebook account, under the name ‘Augu Eriksen‘:

link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100074966851197


Youssef Khater tiene un pasado como corredor de maratones extremas / Youssef Khater has a past as an extreme marathon runner

Youssef Khater fue arrestado en Chile por intento e homicidio en 2011 / Youssef Khater was arrested in Chile for attempted murder in 2011

Youssef Khater

Timador, estafador danés, de origen libanés; aprovecha su condición de deportista de maratones extremas para engañar y estafar a sus víctimas que son generalmente mujeres u otros atletas, tanto en América Latina y en Dinamarca.

Fue encarcelado en Chile por intento de homicidio y estafa, donde intentó asesinar a una ciudadana norteamericana después de estafar a varios extranjeros, lo que incluyó a un atleta inglés con cerca de 30 millones de pesos.

Es fácil reconocerlo por su tatuaje en su brazo izquierdo.

En Dinamarca también ha cumplido condena por una serie de delitos, lo que incluye estafas, e incendios para cobrar seguros fraudulentamente.

En la actualidad está fugitivo en Costa Rica (Agosto 2014), por estafar a una mujer canadiense.

Su modus operandi se basa en su gran carisma, con el cuál logra establecer amistad con atletas u otras personas, a los cuáles invita a restaurants caros, pagando todo lo consumido. Después que ha logrado la confianza de la persona, inventa una serie de situaciones falsas como departamentos en arriendo, propiedades de grandes extensiones a la venta, inventando falsos personajes por internet (abogados, preparadores físicos, etc), para concretar de esta manera sus estafas ya que al tener correos de distintas personas (falsas, pues fueron creadas por él mismo) la víctima termina por creer la versión del timador. También entra a cajeros automáticos con sus víctimas memorizándose la contraseña de las tarjetas de crédito para luego robarlas y utilizarlas en compras millonarias.

Si lo ve, denúncielo a la autoridad policial correspondiente, tenga cuidado pues se cree que anda armado.

Aquí usted encontrará una serie de artículos de prensa sobre este individuo para evitar que otras personas sigan siendo engañadas por él. Ya que los meses en cárcel no sirvieron para que detuviera su accionar delictual.

Él comete sus estafas y engaños a través de estos emails:


y también a través de sus cuentas de facebook:


Actualización de Marzo 2022: Después de la serie “Los peores compañeros de casa del mundo” (“Worst Roommate Ever” en inglés), se recolectó nueva información sobre Youssef Khater y su nueva vida en Dinamarca bajo el nombre de ‘August Eriksen‘:

También, él está utilizando otra cuenta de Facebook, bajo el nombre de ‘Augu Eriksen‘:

link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100074966851197

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